[ANMCO Position paper: Choosing Wisely - ANMCO proposals for 2023]. in Giornale italiano di cardiologia (2006) / G Ital Cardiol (Rome). 2023 Sep;24(9):754-765. doi: 10.1714/4084.40686.

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AO Ordine Mauriziano

Tipo pubblicazione

Journal Article

Autori/Collaboratori (36)Vedi tutti...

Oliva F

Colivicchi F

Gabrielli D
U.O.C. Cardiologia Clinica e Riabilitativa, Presidio Ospedaliero San Filippo Neri - ASL Roma 1, Roma.

et alii...


Nowadays, a progressive and exponential increase in the use of invasive and non-invasive instrumental diagnostics and therapeutic services has been shown. Although unnecessary, instrumental examinations are often largely prescribed, replacing clinical evaluation. Their correct use, on the contrary, would address precise epidemiological and clinical contexts. Therefore identifying whether a test or procedure is appropriate or not plays a crucial role in clinical practice. Several documents from scientific societies and expert groups indicate the most appropriate cardiovascular diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The international Choosing Wisely campaign invited the main scientific societies to identify five techniques or treatments used in their field that are often unnecessary and may potentially damage patients. The Italian Association of Hospital Cardiologists (ANMCO) joined the project identifying the five cardiological practices in our country at greater risk of inappropriateness in 2014. This list has recently been updated. Moreover, possible solutions to this problem have been proposed.

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PMID : 37642128

DOI : 10.1714/4084.40686


Humans; Cardiologists; Cardiology; Hospitals;